Like any club, we have policies in place to keep everyone safe, on and off the water.
Our Code of Conduct
Coaches, Leaders and Helpers
Safety on river trips
Paddling can be a risky sport so, while we try to make all our trips and events as fun as possible, safety always has to come first. While you’re out on the river with us, you’ll have our coaches and trip leaders to guide you but here are some tips to keep yourself, and everyone around you, safe:
Our coaches and trip leaders decide who can paddle on each of our trips. They base these decisions on factors including paddling ability, any medical conditions and whether you have appropriate clothing and equipment for the trip. This is to keep you, and everyone paddling with you, safe. Our coaches are qualified emergency first aiders and our coaches and trip leaders carry 1st Aid kits on all trips.
When out on the water, all of our paddlers must follow the instructions of the coach or trip leader. They will be making decisions for everyone's safety.
Safeguarding and other key policies
We follow the British Canoeing Safeguarding Policy which can be found here.
We also actively support the British Canoeing anti-bullying policy
Our coaches follow the British Canoeing Code of Ethics which can be found here
Complaints & Grievances
If you experience a problem with any other club member, we would hope that you are able to resolve it between yourselves, but this may not be easy to do. If you can't resolve it and feel it should be reported , where possible, please let the coach who has led the activity know of the issue as soon as possible. The coaches and committee members are often available before or after club activities. If you are still concerned/unhappy, or the issue relates to a coach, please talk to the Chairman.
If it is a safeguarding issue and relates to age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, cultural background, religion, political persuasion or ability then please raise it with the Chairman or Welfare Officer who will work together to resolve any problem that has arisen.
Equal Access
The club prides itself on helping everybody regardless of age, disability, gender, race or sexuality to fully participate. Where a person feels that they are prevented from accessing the club on grounds of feel they have been harassed on grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, cultural background, religion, political persuasion or ability then please raise it with the Chairman or Welfare Officer who will work together to resolve any problem that has arisen. The complaints procedure outlined above should then be used.
The club is affiliated to Canoe England/ British Canoeing and we operate according to their guidelines, as detailed on this page.
The club is run on your behalf by a committee according to our club constitution. Our committee normally meets between 2 and 4 times a year to manage the running of the club. I there is an issue relating to the running of the club that you feel needs to be addressed, you can contact a member of the committee at any time.
We normally hold our AGM in mid-April, when we review how things have gone over the previous year, and look back at the trips we’ve run with photos and videos. We also elect our committee members for the next year and discuss any major issues relating to the running of the club. If you have anything you want to add to the AGM agenda, please contact the club Secretary. If you are unable to attend in person to discuss an issue, please contact our chairman by the 1st April so that your views can be included in the discussion.
We welcome new ideas, so please let a member of the committee know if you have any comments or ideas on how the club is run. You could also stand for election to the committee (fresh eyes are always welcome, so don't worry if you’re a new member).
We do our best to keep our members informed of events, notices and other information of interest. In order to keep club running costs to a minimum, we generally use the methods below. If you do not have access to the internet please talk to one of our committee and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
We use emails to let people know about trip and events, but also to update you, for example, on any changes of plan before a trip. Please let us know of any change to your e-mail address or any other contact details by updating your membership form.
Our web address is, where you will find the majority of information relating to how the club runs, useful links and information..
We have an invitation only group on Facebook which offers members the chance to chat, arrange non-club activities, ask questions & share information/pictures/videos as well as providing reminders of club events. You can join by clicking this link: